Shawn Anderson – 100K Super Affiliate
“How My Brother Took 1 FREE Traffic Source Turned Into 2000+ Email Subscribers- and $25,334.77 In Profit In 10 Days From ONE Affiliate Product”
I’m sitting here in a bit of disbelief in what I just witnessed.
Over $25,334.77 was made in PROFIT.
All from free traffic.
Game over.
He had made a few thousand dollars but it looked like what was a new ‘goldmine’ had dried up.
But luckily for you… the story doesn’t end there.

He is literally printing money now.
Look at the dates on that screenshot.

10 years ago my brother and I took a
He has one half in his wallet.
Game freakin’ on.
A race to $100,000.

And as I roll this out, you get to watch my entire process.
Our $100,000 project.
(Remember, this is net earnings, not gross)
- Private Facebook Group
- Live Real Time Stats
- Proven Successful Case Study
- FREE Traffic
- Affiliate Promotions (no product of your own needed)
All off of entirely FREE traffic.
I had the chance to start this a year ago and I didn’t believe.
Once I have the process documented…